Globe Amaranth Info: Learn How To Grow Globe Amaranth Plants

Globe amaranth plants are native to Central America but do well in all the United States Department of Agriculture growing zones. The plant is a tender annual, but it tends to reseed itself for years of consistent blooms in the same area. Learning how to grow globe amaranth is easy and its round blooms will attract butterflies and important garden pollinators.

Globe Amaranth Info.

Globe amaranth plants (Gomphrena globosa) grow from six to twelve inches high. They have fine white hairs covering young growth, which matures to thick green stems. The leaves are oval and arranged alternately along the stem. The blooms of globe amaranth start in June and may last until October. The flower heads are clusters of florets that resemble large clover flowers. They range in color from pink, yellow, white and lavender.

An interesting bit of globe amaranth info is that the flowers dry well. They make excellent additions to everlasting bouquets to brighten the interior of your home. Growing globe amaranth from seed is common in most zones, but the plants are also readily available in most nurseries and garden centers.

How to Grow Globe Amaranth.

Growing globe amaranth is not difficult at all. Start seeds indoors six weeks before the last frost. They will germinate faster if you soak them in water prior to planting. If you wish to sow them outdoors, wait until the soil has warmed and there is no chance of frost.

Choose a site in full sun with good drainage. Globe amaranth plants will grow in almost any soil type except alkaline. Globe amaranth performs best in garden soil, but you can also put them in containers.

Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart and keep them moderately moist. Globe amaranth can tolerate periods of dryness, but they perform best with even moisture.

Care of Globe Amaranth Flowers.

This plant is not susceptible to many disease or pest problems. However, it may get powdery mildew if watered overhead. Watering at the base of the plant or in the morning gives leaves a chance to dry off and prevents this problem.

Globe amaranth plants are old-fashioned additions to dried flower arrangements. The flowers are dried by hanging. Harvest the flowers when they first open with a good length of stiff stem. Tie the stems together and hang the bundle in a cool, dry location. Once dried, they may be used with the stems or remove the flowers and add to potpourri.

The flowers also work nicely in fresh flower arrangements. General care of globe amaranth flowers is the same for any cut floral. Make clean, slightly angled cuts at the ends of the stems and remove any leaves that might sit in the water. Change the water every couple of days and cut off a tiny bit of stem to open up the capillaries again. Amaranth flowers can last up to a week with good care.

Expect the plants to die back when cold temperatures appear, but don’t get distressed! In most USDA zones, the seeds that set after the flower is spent, will germinate in soils after winter. via

Tips For Growing Amaranth For Food

Though the amaranth plant is typically grown as a decorative flower in North America and Europe, it is, in fact, an excellent food crop that is grown in many parts of the world. Growing amaranth for food is fun and interesting, and adds a little bit of something different to your vegetable garden.

What is Amaranth?

The amaranth plant is a grain and greens crop plant. The plant develops long flowers, which can be upright or trailing depending on the variety. The flowers are used to produce the amaranth grain, while the leaves can be used as amaranth greens.

Varieties of Amaranth as Food.

When growing amaranth for food, it is best to select varieties of amaranth that work well as a food crop.
If you want to grow amaranth as a grain, some amaranth varieties to consider include:

How to Plant Amaranth

Amaranth plants grow well in average to rich, well-draining soil with equal amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. Like many vegetable crops, it needs at least 5 hours of sunlight a day to do well. While it grows best in moist but well drained soil, it will tolerate somewhat dry soil too.
Amaranth seeds are very fine, so generally, the seeds are sprinkled over a prepared area after the risk of last frost has passed. Amaranth seeds can be started indoors as well about 3-4 week before the last frost date.
Once the amaranth seeds have sprouted, they should be thinned to about 18” apart.

How to Grow Amaranth

Once established, amaranth needs little care. It is more tolerant of drought than most other leafy vegetable and will tolerate a wider range of soils than other grain crops.

How to Harvest Amaranth

Harvesting Amaranth Leaves

The leaves on an amaranth plant can be used at any time. Just like other greens, the smaller the leaf, the more tender it is, but larger leaves have a more developed flavor.

Harvesting Amaranth Grains

If you would like to harvest the amaranth grain, you need to allow the plant to go to flower. Flowering amaranth plants can still have their leaves harvested to eat, but you may find that the flavor changes after the amaranth plant flowers.
Once the flowers have developed, let the amaranth flowers grow fully and watch carefully for the first few flowers to start dying back or browning a bit. At this time, cut all of the flowers off the amaranth plant and place them in paper bags to dry the rest of the way.
Once the amaranth flowers are dry, the flowers must be threshed (basically beaten) either over a cloth or inside a bag to release the amaranth grains. Use water or wind to separate the amaranth grains from their chaff. via

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